30 Poems in 30 Days 2022: Super Wild Rabbits (Day 23)

Photo by Christy V.
There was big freeze in Texas last year
It cut the power, broke plumbing, and killed
Our plants being destroyed was minor
In comparison, but still sadness all the same
Plants can grow back or be replaced
But not the time spent on them to grow
What worried me was our furry neighbors
The wild rabbits who lived in different areas
Including the backyard and the front
They could hide in their burrows
Digging within the ground for coverage
But would it be enough, they’ve survived
Flooding from several hurricanes
It had been awhile since they had been
Seen, if there was sighting, it was low
Eventually Spring came again,
There they were in the yard across the street,
In the back door looking around,
Wandering around the backyard,
It gave me hope, they survived beyond
What we could have imagined
While they are now super wild rabbits
We have to do our part to protect the planet
So we can all survive to live another day
By Christy V.