30 Poems in 30 Days 2023: Chemo Superpowers (Day 5)

Photo by Christy V.
Don’t tell me it isn’t possible
Magic is possible if you look for it
So can superpowers be
Is it really a secret what I hope?
Everyone knows that I’m a nerd
We love to imagine we can be anything
Isn’t that what makes a writer too?
Maybe I’ve had superpowers
But I didn’t know it, the strength within
The creativity of one’s mind
The compassion to make a difference
Proud to be a nerd before and after
It’s still fun to imagine the superpowers:
Quick to read amazing stories and poems
Provide support always hundred percent
Star power to head anywhere quickly
Get everything I want and need done…
Wait, it’s starting to get real again
Time to go back to my imagination
By Christy V.