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Writer's pictureChristina Vourcos

Another Chapter, Lessons Continued

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Missed me? It’s been awhile since I’ve written here. I’ve been struggling with my health since last year, and it has affected my writing lately, but I’m determined to get back to my normal writing routine. At first, I couldn’t find a direction on how to do that, and then I realized that I needed to remember the lessons I’ve learned.

Jeremy Jordan recently mentioned in an interview something that he mentioned awhile back, and it reminded me of something he taught me. It seems he continues to teach me the same lesson. Sometimes we need to be reminded of past lessons, and sometimes introduced new ones, to keep moving forward better. He has been reminded how important it is for him to make himself happy. Many of us, including myself and Jeremy, have thought that we needed to give to others first, and make ourselves second. We can’t give with an empty cup.

He quoted a proverb, “Happiness is the journey not the destination.” We can’t wait for happiness to come to us, we have to create it for ourselves. This can be hard. We usually know how to help others, but it can take us a bit to figure out how to help ourselves. Since it’s the start of Lenten season, I learned the Greek word metanoeo (to change one’s mind or purpose, as a result of knowledge). As many Greek words do, this word helps define what I think is the most important part of this season, as well as something that continues after.

We need to realize what is holding us back, for example, perfectionist tendencies and lack of confidence. Then you plan the steps forward. Something becomes a habit after a period of practice. If we pick the right thing to improve, we can keep it going for the rest of year and beyond. It can impact far beyond you as well. This can make you happy, but also finding what makes you happy, and making that a priority. When you’re happy, you’re able to share your talents.

This was a lesson I learned in 2019 and continue to learn. It can be tough, especially right now with the pandemic, but we have to take the opportunities big and small to find what makes us happy, and revise what we think will make us happy, until more opportunities come available. For example, I took the opportunity to go to New York City in 2019. That experience was worth all the money I spent on it. I can’t travel all the time, especially right now with the pandemic. So I have to remind myself of things that I enjoy locally, and at home.

From exploring local nature, supporting local online, experiencing stories in different mediums, listening to music, and most of all, connecting with others in our lives. At least that’s what works for me. Then making sure I give certain things priority. Finding ways to bring back joy with my writing, because I know how much I love it. That means being kind to myself as I write. Writing with less pressure. As well as writing down ideas into lists for later. It’s also important for me to balance what I need to do with what I want to do each day.

It takes steps to get there, but we will get there. Don’t forget that while prioritizing happiness is one step, the other is taking care of your physical and mental health. Once you’ve got all that, you’re set. You can start working towards your goals, and expand to supporting others. It will take time, but it’s always worth it. I look forward to working on my goals, as well as my writing, this year.

I’ve decided to write poems again in April for NaPoWriMo (30 poems in 30 days) & Camp NaNoWriMo. I hope to finish my NaNoWriMo 2020 draft for the July session of Camp NaNoWriMo, and write a new novel for NaNoWriMo 2021 in November. It isn’t only about writing, but also moving towards publishing more. First I’m working on publishing my 2019 novel, and that might lead towards revising and editing it more, which I ready for. Then look at what’s next.

Most of all, I need to remind myself: Focus on being super happy, and the rest will come with time. Move forward, one step at a time.

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Christina Vourcos


Self-Published Indie Author and Poet, Lymphoma Survivor, GreekLatina, M.A. 


Discover hope and what matters with my books and Kindle Vella serials

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